The Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’ Organisation (AHCDO) supports this $2,000 travel grant which is awarded to the author of the best abstract related to bleeding disorders submitted to Blood or the Scientific Workshop by an THANZ member.
2024 Winner
Caitlin Rice, Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA
Management of bleeding disorders in pregnant women: a single tertiary-centre experience
Below: Caitlin was presented with her certificate by THANZ President, James McFadyen

2023 Winner
Brian Grainger, Alfred Health, Vic
Bleeding severity and haemostatic management of inherited Rare Bleeding Disorders (RBDs) at an Australian Haemophilia Treatment Centre.
Below: Brian was presented with his certificate by THANZ President, Chee Wee Tan
2022 Winner
Caroline Dix, The Alfred, Vic
Factor concentrate treatment for haematuria in people with haemophilia is associated with low rates of complications
Below: Caroline was presented with her certificate by THANZ President, Chee Wee Tan

2021 Winner
Amanda Tee, Monash University, Vic
Acquired haemophilia A: insight into treatment and outcomes from an Australian tertiary referral centre.

2020- not awarded
2019 Winner
Yvonne Brennan, Westmead Hospital, NSW
Extended half-life clotting factor use in Australia
Below: Yvonne, in Gala Dinner ‘TEAM’ themed costume, with her certificate

2018 Winner
Jim Tiao, Western Australia Centre for Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Alternative Splicing as a Future Treatment for Haemophilia A
Below: Jim with his certificate

2017 Winner
Fathima Ayyalil , The Canberra Hospital
A unique regional outreach program to provide targeted quality care to individuals with bleeding disorders
Below: Fathima with Harshal Nandurkar and Joanne Joseph
2016 Winner
Dr David Rabbolini, Northern Blood Research Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital
Platelet development and bleeding phenotype is altered with mutation in different zinc finger domains of the GFI1B transcription factor
2015 Winner
Dr Stephanie P’ng, The Haemophilia and Haemostasis Centre, Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA. Stephanie was unable to attend the awards ceremony.
How effective coordination of perioperative management in patients with inherited bleeding disorders leads to safe and effective haemostasis at sites external to the HTC
2014 Winner
The inaugral THANZ AHCDO Conference Grant was awarded to Dr Prachi Bhave for her abstract A Review and Suggested Approach for Performing Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Hereditary Bleeding Disorders. Prachi was unable to attend the awards ceremony during HAA.